- We faithfully support general church missions through payment of apportionments – our fair share of the general ministries of the United Methodist Church.
Latimer is a regular supporter of the following local missions by our prayers our presence our gifts and our service:
- Belton Interfaith Ministerial Association – BIMA (a community organization that provides emergency assistance)
- Cancer Association of Anderson
- Kairos Prison Ministries
- Meals On Wheels
- AIM – Anderson Interfaith Ministries
- Thanksgiving meals for the needy
- Patrick B. Harris Hospital – Donations of Large Print Bibles, Clothing, Shoes, Bingo prizes, Reading Materials
- Epworth Children and Youth Christmas Fund
- Epworth Children’s Work Day Offering
- Travel Size Personal Items for Homeless Students
- Aldersgate Special Needs Ministry
- Communion for Homebound
- Sponsors for Belton Elementary School
- Care Boxes
- Doughnuts for Belton Police and Firefighters
Annual Events
- January: Planning Meeting; Support BIMA; Patrick B. Harris clothing, magazines, Bibles support; Chili Dinner to raise money for Cancer Association of Anderson.
- March: Women in the Pulpit;
- April: Patrick Harris Psychiatric Hospital – donate a case of Bibles and magazines: Italian Dinner fundraiser for Cancer
- October: Food offering for Belton Interfaith Ministry (BIMA)
- December: Christmas collection of for Epworth Children and Youth.